Bible Critics

The oft quoted criticism of Revelation and other of the Bible’s books; as rubbish re. the commentators opinion, can only be so until the critical moments so often mentioned are reached!

The whole Bible is the Mind of God in simple form, for people of Faith to trust, to live by hopefully, and in some cases to see the prophesied fulfilments; which, when looking at the world’s events, many may yet have the joy of seeing!

The naysayers will not stop, because they have a commission to complete; which even when “end time events” are underway, will prefer death rather than acknowledge Almighty God!

However; death will not give them freedom, as they will be required to give account of their efforts at the “Great White Throne” (Rev.  20:11–15)!

“The just shall live by Faith” (Habakkuk  2:4)!

See: Faithfulness and The Christian.  (Study)


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